1. These rules will remain in effect during the year 2025. Interpretation of these rules will be left exclusively to the National Redfish Tour Tournament Director. In the event of a rule violation, the Tournament Director may impose such sanctions, as deemed appropriate, including, without limitation, disqualifications, forfeiture of prizes and prohibition from participation in subsequent tournaments. Decisions of the Tournament Director are finalin all matters and are not subject to appeal, and are not reviewable by any court of law. National Redfish Tour reserves the right to make needed changes to these rules in order to ensure the safety, welfare of National Redfish Tour anglers, and/or the public and preserve the integrity of National Redfish Tour. Any rule changes will immediately supersede all previously published copies of rules. It is your responsibility to read and understand the rules and how you, your points and qualification for the Championship are affected by not complying with the following rules. Every participant will be required to sign a media and liability release and confirmation that he/she has read, understands and accepts all rules and regulations prior to participating in the event.
2. ENTRY FEES, MEMBERSHIPS & PAYMENTS: Entry fee of $450 plus taxes and fees is required to fish each qualifying NRT tournament. Divisional Championship is $600. TOP 50 Championship is $1500. Membership fees for the 2025 season are $90 per angler. Membership fees for the season must be paid before fishing any tournament. All fees may be paid by cash, check or credit card (convenience fee will be applied to credit card payments). A Captain’s Meeting will be held prior to every tournament; registration may be processed in person at this time. No late fees will be assessed for those registering at the Captain’s meeting prior to each event. An optional $200 Calcutta will be offered at each event paid to the top three (3) Calcutta participants. To participate in Calcutta, an additional $200 per team is due prior to launch. Additionally, an optional Big Fish Competition will be offered at each event payable to the heaviest slot Redfish Big Fish participating team. To participate an additional $20 per team is due prior to launch.
3. FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS: All participants are expected to obey all applicable federal, state and local regulations and laws. Violation of such rules may result in your disqualification from the tournament. Repeated or flagrant violations will result in said participants being banned from future participation in National Redfish Tour tournaments.
4. SPORTSMANSHIP, ETIQUETTE AND SOCIAL MEDIA: Competitors in the National Redfish Tour tournaments are expected to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, safety, and conservation. Any infraction of these fundamental sporting principles may be deemed cause for disqualification. Maximum courtesy must be practiced at all times, especially with regard to boating and angling in the vicinity of non-competitors who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a competitor, which reflects unfavorably upon National Redfish Tour’s effort to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters, and courtesy, shall be reason for disqualification. Anglers shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a professional manner that demonstrates integrity, honor, and respect toward fellow competitors, tournament staff and the general public and does not reflect unfavorably on National Redfish Tour, its members, representatives, tournaments or sponsors.
Anglers are frequently in the public eye and are considered role models by young people; therefore, it is imperative that tournament competitors demonstrate good sportsmanship in fishing on and off the water, including but not limited to social media. Sportsmanship is defined as fair play, respect for opponents and polite behavior while competing in the sport or engaging in National Redfish Tour activities including but not limited to social media.
Following are examples of unacceptable behavior by competitors in National Redfish Tour events that will be cause for disqualification:
Heated public disagreements with National Redfish Tour tournament directors or staff, other competitors, fans, and volunteers before, during or after an event.
Public attacks through media, including social media, upon the integrity of National Redfish Tour, rules, staff or officials.
Public comments that an angler knows, or should reasonably know, will harm the reputation of National Redfish Tour, National Redfish Tour directors or its sponsors.
Displays of anger and displeasure for reasons related to fishing competition where members of the public, including other anglers, spectators or the media, are present.
Publicly questioning or criticizing a tournament official or official decision, ruling or penalty except through the proper channels which are outlined in the Rules and Regulations.
Abuse (physical, verbal, threatening or slanderous) of tournament officials, volunteers, fellow competitors or others connected with a National Redfish Tour event.
Offensive or slanderous comments with racial, cultural or sexual overtones regarding event officials, event personnel or fellow anglers.
Intentionally interfering with a fellow angler’s ability to compete.
Any disqualification, suspension or other disciplinary action imposed by any tournament or fishing organization may result in disqualification from National Redfish Tour competition and rejection of an application for participation in a National Redfish Tour tournament or membership.
Evidence of chemical substance addiction or abuse, conviction of a felony or other crimes involving moral turpitude or other conduct reflecting unfavorably upon National Redfish Tour efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship and compliance with tournament rules shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation and for disqualification.
Any act deemed by the Tournament Director that gives a team or angler an unfair advantage not specifically covered under this set of rules shall be grounds for disqualification. Any violation by an angler deemed intentional or preconceived by the Tournament Director to gain an unfair advantage would be grounds for permanent disqualification. Any deliberate burning of flats, shorelines or ponds with the intent to locate or bump up fish (searching for fish while on plane) during the 14-day practice period or during the tournament is prohibited and will result in disqualification from the current and future National Redfish Tour events.
5. ELIGIBILITY: Participation in National Redfish Tour tournaments is open only to members of National Redfish Tour in good standing. Any person under the age of 18 must have written consent from a parent or legal guardian. National Redfish Tour reserves the right to refuse membership and participation in any or all events to any individual or team at the discretion of the Tournament Director.
6. SAFETY: Safe boating will be observed at all times. Each participant is highly recommended to wear a fastened, U.S. Coast Guard approved, personal flotation device anytime the combustion engine is in operation. Tournament days may be shortened or canceled due to unsafe weather or water conditions. The decision to shorten or to cancel will be left totally to the discretion of the Tournament Director. A 4-hour period shall constitute a day of fishing.
7. ALCOHOL AND DRUGS: The consuming or transporting of any alcoholic beverages or drugs (other than prescription or OTC drugs) during official tournament hours, on any tournament angler’s boat is prohibited, and angler or anglers will be disqualified from this and possibly all future tournaments.
8. HORSEPOWER REGULATIONS: Maximum horsepower for all outboards used in tournament competition will not exceed the horsepower limitations as set by the U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. By registering to participate in an event, each participant agrees to submit his or her boat and/or motor to an inspection by an inspector designated by National Redfish Tour. Falsifying information on entry forms or altering the horsepower numbers on the motor or rating plate will be cause for disqualification from the tournament and may result in future ineligibility to enter National Redfish Tour tournaments.
9. BOAT AND MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS: All boats must be a minimum of 15 feet in length. Airboats and/or mud motor boats are not permitted on tournament day. Each boat must have all required U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment. In addition, it must have a functional bilge pump and live-well space, properly aerated to adequately maintain a live limit catch of Redfish by both participants. For competitions held in Florida, a minimum live well size of 18 gallons is required. However, a minimum live well size of 25 gallons is recommended. Larger live wells reduce bruising and damage to fins, allow more room for fish to move around, and have more water for the dilution of waste products. The Tournament Director shall have the sole responsibility for determining whether aeration and capacity is “proper and adequate.” For the safety of all participants, ALL BOATS MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH SOME TYPE OF OPERABLE IGNITION SHUT-OFF DEVICE. This ignition SHUT-OFF device must be attached to the driver’s body anytime the combustion engine is operating. Anytime the combustion engine is operating and in gear, there must be a driver in the driver’s seat in full control of the boat. A small electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. Any additional fuel used during the tournament day must be purchased from a retail facility open to the public. If participating boat was not factory equipped with a built-in tank, then participant may use up to two of the standard US Coast Guard approved portable tanks mounted at the stern in designated areas by the motor. BOAT HEIGHT REGULATIONS: Casting Platforms: No height restrictions/fabricated and attached casting platforms only, no ladders. Drive Stations: A maximum height of 22" from floor of boat where the angler stands to drive the boat. Boats with dual drive stations can be used. Anglers must drive from lower station only. Boat regulations start the Monday before each tournament (5 days prior) searching for fish on plane/burning starts 14 days prior to tournament. The drive station regulation is only for the weigh-in tournaments. Go-Live tournaments have no height requirements.
10. FISHING METHODS: All Redfish must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner. Only artificial lures may be used during competition. Commercially sold scents may be added and used. Only one fishing rod per angler may be used at a time. A cast must be fully retrieved before an angler may pick up another rod. Trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited. Foul hooked fish shall not be weighed during competition. A foul hooked fish is defined as a fish that does not have at least one hook in its mouth, and it must be released. Anglers may not catch fish or weigh in fish that have been caged or confined in an area prior to the tournament.
11. FISHING LOCATIONS: Participants may fish anywhere on tournament waters accessible to the public by boat, except areas designated as outside of tournament boundaries, where applicable provided by National Redfish Tour, and as “off limits” or “no fishing” by private ownership or local, state and federal officials. Participants may not fish within 50 yards of a competitor’s boat, which was in a location first and anchored (an anchored boat is a boat held in a stable position by a line attached to a weight, push pole, Power-Pole, etc.) with the trolling motor in the up position. If the boat does not have a trolling motor the definition of anchored still applies. Fishing within 100 yards of a boat that is fishing or chumming with live or dead bait is NOT allowed. Teams may not fish within 100 yards of a non-competitor that is fishing with either live bait, dead or ground chum. If during competition a non-competitor approaches within 100 yards and begins to chum or fish with live bait, it is your responsibility to stop fishing. You may ask the non-competitor if he would consider leaving or not fishing. If the non-competitor fails to do so, then you must leave the area immediately.
12. INFORMATION / 14-DAY PRACTICE PERIOD: Tournament anglers may share information with each other up to and after competition hours. However, no communication whatsoever is allowed via cell phone, VHF radio or any electronic device during the competition / tournament, except for medical emergency as allowed under rule #19, or boat breakdown under rule #13. Although anglers may practice as far in advance of the tournament as desired, fourteen days prior to tournament (14-day practice period), tournament anglers may not solicit or intentionally receive the assistance or advice of anyone for the purposes of locating or catching Redfish, nor enter the tournament waters with anyone including, but not limited to, a professional guide, state or federal wildlife agency employee or any other person deemed an “expert“ on these tournament waters by the Tournament Director, unless they are a competitor in the tournament. The use of drones for the purposes of locating or catching fish or to gain a competitive advantage is prohibited in both the 14-day practice period and the tournament.
13. PARTICIPANTS MUST REMAIN IN THE BOAT: All angling must be conducted from the boat. Wading is NOT permitted. At no time, may a participant leave the boat to land a fish or to make the boat more accessible to fishing water. However, you may push your boat if needed to gain adequate draft when stuck. All lines must be in the boat while any angler is in the water for such an emergency. BOTH anglers must be completely IN the boat to fish. Participants must leave and return to the official checkpoint by boat. No tournament boat may be loaded on the trailer before the weigh-in except with the permission of the Tournament Director. In the event of equipment failure, anglers must call a designated number first to report their need for assistance before calling for towing assistance. There will be only two permitted methods of returning to the official check-in: (1) by both partners remaining in their boat and being towed by water (a commercial licensed tow company may be utilized, or another team may tow a fellow competitor,) (2) by one or both anglers entering the boat of another tournament participant (fishing by all competitors involved in the rescue must cease at this time). Anglers are responsible for colored tie wrap or suitable material for marking and distinguishing their catch. Under these two conditions, the participant’s catches may be counted without a penalty (except for late penalties, dead fish penalties or other penalties pertaining to other tournament rules). Participants who elect to return to the official check-in by any other means than cited above will forfeit their day’s catch to that point in time of the tournament day. Any participant returning to the check-in point will be eligible to restart and resume competition only under the supervision of the Tournament Director or his designated tournament official. It is the sole responsibility of participants to locate the Tournament Director or official to request a restart. Failure to render assistance, when requested in an emergency is cause for immediate disqualification. Teams rendering assistance must communicate to the tournament official, the boat number(s) of the assisting boat and the assisted boat at time commencing aid. BOTH anglers must be completely IN the boat to fish.
14. FISHING TIME, LAUNCH AND WEIGH-IN: There will be only one official checkpoint for boat check in the morning. Failure to check in will result in disqualification. Teams that experience equipment failures may have them repaired and check out late for an event. However, it is the team’s responsibility to find and notify the tournament director or tournament official in order to check out. All running lights must be in place and working at the time of launch. Check in / weigh in will be 3:29:59 PM at each event unless otherwise noted by the Tournament Director due to a weather or other unforeseen emergent situation. Failure to go through boat check and check out in the morning will result in disqualification. All fishing must cease upon check-in. Official tournament time is National Redfish Tour Tournament Director’s cell phone time (if needed, please sync time with the Power-Pole Pro Redfish Tour Director prior to launch). All teams weighing in fish must be checked in by or before 3:30 PM ET. Any team not checked in by or before 3:29:59 PM will be DISQUALIFIED. Team number must be turned in at the scoring table (Check in Board / Boat Number Depository) before 3:29:59 PM. Please make sure to allow ample time for any idle area and idle areas at the boat ramp. If you come in early and do not turn your number in, by 3:29:59 PM, you will be disqualified. The National Redfish Tour Check in Board / Boat Number Depository will be closed and removed at 3:29:59 PM officially ending check in.
3:30 PM cell phone time is LATE.
15. TEAMS: All National Redfish Tour qualifier and championship tournaments are team events, with all points/awards going to the team. Anglers may not fish as individuals unless the area fishing allows angler two Redfish. A team consists of two (2) anglers, one of which must be designated as the captain.
16. SCORING: Tournament standings, auxiliary awards, and final winners shall be determined by the total weight measured in pounds and 100th of a pound of each team's catch during the tournament. Only Redfish/Red Drum will be weighed and the limit shall be two (2) fish per day per team. The prevailing rules as set forth by the Power-Pole Pro Redfish Tour along with federal, state and local statutes and regulations bind all competitors. Participants will at no time have in their possession in the live well more than the tournament limit of fish. Tournament official length for Redfish will be according to the STATE LAWS in the state in which that event is being held. All Redfish will be measured with mouth closed and with a pinched tail. Any fish that appears to have been penned, mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered will not be weighed at the discretion of the weigh master / Tournament Director. Redfish must NOT be placed on a stringer at any time during the tournament.
17. LAUNCH NUMBER IDENTIFICATION: Prior to tournament start, a number will be given to each boat. This number MUST remain with the boat during tournament competition. The number must be turned in to the weigh-in tournament administrator in the predetermined depository by the close of weigh-in time, typically 3:30 PM. Numbers submitted after that time disqualifies the team’s catch for that tournament day.
18. TACKLE AND EQUIPMENT: Only artificial lures may be used. No “live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted, with the exception of commercially sold scents. Only ONE casting, spin casting, spinning rod and reel or fly rod (10-foot maximum length from butt of the handle to rod tip) may be used at any one time per angler. Be prepared to show your current fishing license, at registration, from the state in which the tournament is being held.
19. COMMUNICATIONS: A VHF radio is recommended for all tournament vessels. The VHF may be mounted or portable. The use of mobile communication devices such as cellular telephones, marine radios, walkie-talkies, CBs, pagers or any electronic device to communicate fishing information or contact with anyone during tournament hours is strictly prohibited. Communication among anglers is allowed on the water only by non-electronic methods. Medical emergency calls may be made and then a tournament official should be contacted. Social media posting is encouraged during the tournament to support the tournament and its sponsors.
20. LIVE FISH: Every effort must be made to keep Redfish alive. You cannot cull a dead fish from your live well. An 8-ounce penalty will be deducted from the weight for one dead Redfish presented for weigh-in. A 2-pound penalty will be assessed for 2 dead fish. No mutilated or iced fish shall be accepted. Any alteration of length or weight of Redfish is prohibited and will result in banishment from any future tournaments. Any fish over 26” with an unnatural or altered top of the tail will not be weighed in.
21. INSURANCE: $100,000 liability insurance is required of all participants utilizing their boats in any National Redfish Tour tournament. Each team prior to competition is required to have a current copy of insurance on file at National Redfish Tour business office.
22. TOURNAMENT TIES: Ties shall be broken by the Largest Fish for the Event. The team with the heaviest single fish shall receive precedence. In the event a tie should occur for any special honors or awards; the tie will be broken by the total cumulative weight for the year. The team with the most weight will be deemed as the winner.
23. STANDINGS POINTS: 100 points will be awarded to the winning team of each tournament; each place thereafter will be a 1-point difference all the way down through teams weighing fish (99 points to 2nd, 98 points to 3rd, etc.). Teams that zero will be tied for 10 points under the lowest points awarded to a team weighing fish. Team points remain with the Team Name/Captain in case of a team break up. In the event of a tie, place points will be given to both teams equally, refer to the above tournament ties section for division of winnings per tournament. (i.e. if two teams tie for second both teams will receive 99 points and the third-place team drops to 97 points). Team of Year points will be reconciled after each qualifier dependent upon participation. Team of the Year and National Ranking Points will be based on any three tournaments (Sanctioned, Go-Live or NRT weigh-in), the Divisional Championship and the Top 50 National Championship.
24. DIVISIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION: Teams must fish a minimum of any 2 tournaments finishing in the top 40% of the field at one of the two events. This includes any sanctioned events also. Any team that fishes 4 or more tournaments is also qualified to fish the Divisional Championship.
TOP 50 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFICATION: Teams that finish in the TOP 25 at the Divisional Championship will qualify for the TOP 50 National Championship. Teams that are in the TOP 25 in the Team of the Year standings after the Divisional Championship will quality for the TOP 50 National Championship.
TEAM OF THE YEAR POINTS are based on any 3 tournaments (NRT or sanctioned events) and the Divisional Championship. Team of the Year final totals are based on 3 regular season, Divisional, and TOP 50 National Championship. Teams can use one (1) alternate only in a divisional qualifier or sanctioned event for their Team of the Year totals.
25. POLYGRAPH: Each participant who fishes a National Redfish Tour event agrees to submit to a polygraph examination. Polygraph tests will be given at random. Polygraph Tests shall be administered to the top money winners and others as deemed necessary by tournament officials. Participants must make themselves available for polygraph testing at a time and location determined by the Tournament Director within 24 hours following notice. Failure to be available for the test is grounds for disqualification. Individuals that are required to take the polygraph test must not consume alcohol or any controlled substance within eight hours prior to the test. A participant’s refusal to take a polygraph test or failure to answer test questions in a manner satisfactory to Tournament Officials, in their sole discretion, may result in disqualification, all prizes and points will be forfeited. By entering the tournament, participants consent to the admissibility of polygraph results in any dispute or proceeding arising out of the tournament. Failure to pass the polygraph will result in disqualification.
26. PROTEST AND REPORTING PROCEDURE: All protests must be submitted to Tournament Director or designated tournament official, along with a $175 cash deposit, within fifteen (15) minutes of the last check-in or 3:45PM ET. The protester also agrees that if there is a question of verifying the charge of a protest that he or she also may be subject to take a polygraph, if necessary. If the Tournament Director, or polygraph, upholds the protest, the cash deposit shall be returned to the participant submitting the protest. If a protest arises, no prize monies will be awarded until protest resolution. All prize monies will be awarded within 24 hours of protest resolution. Tournament Director reserves the right to retain any fish for further inspection.
27. REVISIONS AND AMENDMENTS: National Redfish Tour retains the right to amend or add/delete to these published rules at any time during the tournament season in order to maintain the quality and competitiveness of the Power-Pole Pro Redfish Tour. Official Rules and Regulations are held at www.facebook.com/PPPRedfishTour.
Two person teams with optional marshall/cameraman.
Anglers can launch and fish from anywhere within their divisional waters.
Artificial lures only.
One day tournament.
Three redfish up to 9 lbs (9.01 is over) including Tackle Webs weigh bag - 27 lbs maximum weight
Teams must have these to compete:
Official Scale: Brecknell Handheld
Official Weigh Bag: Tackle Webs
First cast: 7am
Lines in: 1pm (fishing times may be affected by current weather conditions and the field will be addressed prior to the tournament)
Marshall Responsibilities: Marshalls will Go-Live for catch, weigh & release. Marshalls/cameraman can only film. No fishing assistance.